Conversion from SDR to HLG color space

Conversion from SDR to HLG color space

MIST's Color Management System enables color space conversions including up / down conversions for SDR and HDR.
This article describes the steps to be taken in the case of a SDR to HLG conversion, following the BT.2390-4 recommandation.

This article is for informational purpose only and the agreement of the content owner must be obtained before performing any conversion on their content.

I. Setup the CMS

Once the media is loaded on the Timeline, access access the Composition Settings / CMS:

  • Choose MTCMS as Color System
  • Choose Custom Workflow
  • Select ITU-R BT.2020 as Primaries
  • Select ITU-R BT.2100 HLG as EOTF
  • Define the maximum luminance levels as 1000 nits

  • CMS SDR to HLG

    II. Select the Mastering Display

    In the DISPLAYS tab, select the Preset BT.2100 HLG 1000 nits:

    Mastering Display for HLG

    III. Setup the Source

    From the Timeline module, go to the GRADE panel / SOURCE tab in order to characterize the source:

    1. Select ITU-R BT.709 as color space and ITU-R BT.1886 as EOTF
    2. Set HDR gain on 203% 
    Source settings for SDR

    You have completed the conversion process and your content is ready for export.

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