Create and manage a Project

Create and manage a Project

Project creation

On opening of MIST, click on the PROJECTS icon to display the Projects Management page.

To create a new project, type a name in the Name field and validate with CREATE:

The following characters are forbidden: 
< (less than) 
> (greater than) 
: (colon) 
" (double quote) 
/ (forward slash) 
\ (backslash) 
| (vertical bar or pipe) 
? (question mark) 
* (asterisk)

Open a Project

On the left column the list of all the projects is displayed.

On the right column you find the list of all the compositions saved for the selected project.

There is several ways to open a project:
  1. Select the project or on of its composition and click OK, or use double click.
  2. A double-click on the project will open the last saved composition

Delete a Project

To delete a Project, select it in the list, then click on the Delete icon  

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