DCP Mastering & QC
About DCDM Masters
Some Studio requires, in addition to the delivery of a DCP, the related DCDM (usually in TIFF 16 bit XYZ) DCDMs created by MIST follow the specification outlined in this document here: ...
Key Delevery Message (KDM) Formulations
There are five different formulations defined in the SMPTE ST 430-1 KDM standard. MIST and KEYMaster handle four of them : Formulation Acronym Description Transitional 1 T1 This formulation contains only the recipient's certificate thumbprint. It's ...
DCP Naming Convention
MIST uses the Naming Convention v9.2. as defined by the ISDCF: ISDCF naming You can find more technical details on their website: www.isdcf.com
Where can I find the DCI certificates ?
The software certificate as well as the validation chain can be found in the following directory: \User\$yoursessionname$\AppData\Roaming\Marquise Technologies\certificates You need to show the hidden folders in your OS browser to be able to see ...
ISDCF Audio Channel Assignments
The ISDCF has published a recommendation for assigning audio channels for SMPTE or Interop DCP. You can find it using this link: ISDCF-Doc4-Audio-channel-recommendations.pdf You can find additional technical details on their website: www.isdcf.com